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Free Second Opinion Consultations

Get answers and results with a fertility second opinion consultation

Do you have questions and concerns about the fertility journey you’ve already traveled? If so, the doctors at Nashville Fertility Center (NFC) can help when you schedule a fertility second opinion consultation. 

Our fertility specialists have decades of experience diagnosing and treating women and men just like you. Since 1991, our Tennessee fertility clinic has helped thousands of patients welcome healthy babies. Scheduling a consultation and infertility evaluation is the first step to make parenthood possible.

All about the fertility second opinion consultation

This appointment is for patients seeking an infertility evaluation and information about fertility treatments or fertility preservation and will involve reviewing your previous diagnostic testing and treatment plan. This visit at our Tennessee fertility clinic will help you better understand the evaluation and treatment you’ve already received. Also, your NFC doctor will use years of experience and leading-edge reproductive technology to provide a suggested treatment plan for your future care. 

How to start the process

First you will need to schedule a fertility second opinion consultation by contacting Millie at (615) 277-2401. She will walk you through the entire process of starting fertility treatment with us.

One of our doctors will need to review your medical records at least one week before your appointment. To make this possible, you can download our medical records release form. On the form, indicate that you are requesting a copy of your entire medical record from your reproductive endocrinologist. These records should be mailed to our Nashville address (345 23 Ave. North, Nashville, TN, 37203) or faxed to (615) 320-0240, attention Millie Blaylock.

Contact our Tennessee fertility clinic if you have any questions about getting a second opinion or infertility evaluation. Our goal is to help you move from patient to parent as safely and efficiently as possible.