Our Nashville fertility doctors diagnose and treat uterine septum issues
If you are struggling to conceive, you are not alone. An estimated 1 in 8 U.S. couples grapples with the reality of infertility. At Nashville Fertility Center, we are committed to identifying and treating common causes of female infertility. During your initial fertility evaluation, our Nashville fertility doctors will run a battery of tests to discover any barriers to conception, including uterine abnormalities such as a uterine septum.
Types of uterine abnormalities
With female infertility, physical irregularities can contribute to difficulty in getting pregnant. Structural anomalies in the uterus can make conception or pregnancy almost impossible. Some uterine abnormalities develop from birth, while others arise later.
One common problem is a uterine septum, a fibrous band that divides the uterine cavity. In the case of a septum, the genetic abnormality occurs during fetal growth. A septate uterus can take several forms.
- A partial septate uterus, in which the tissue doesn’t affect the cervix
- A complete septate uterus, in which the septum divides the uterus and cervix
- A septate uterus and vagina, which means the division extends through the uterus, cervix and vagina
Diagnosis of a uterine septum often starts with female infertility
Often, women with a uterine septum have no symptoms until they experience infertility problems, specifically recurrent pregnancy loss. Generally, the line of tissue can be hard to see, so your doctor will need to perform additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. Our Nashville fertility doctors can order imaging studies, such as an MRI, 3-D ultrasound, hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and/or hysteroscopy, to provide validation of a septate uterus.
Exploring viable treatment options
Once we have confirmation, your physician will likely recommend hysteroscopic surgery. During the outpatient surgery, one of our Nashville fertility doctors will shave off the tissue, removing the division. Usually, patients experience few complications and can return home soon after the procedure. Follow up with your provider afterward to determine the best timing for resuming any baby-making efforts.
You don’t have to give up on your dreams of having a baby. We can assist you in overcoming female infertility issues. If you would like more information on treatment options for a uterine septum, contact our office.