Safety tips for navigating the flu, COVID and fertility
The doctors at our Tennessee fertility clinic understand how stressful it can be to think about the flu, COVID and fertility. Even if a woman doesn’t have the flu or COVID, she wants to know how these viruses could affect her fertility and how to avoid them. Luckily, there are easy ways to stay safe.
All about the flu, COVID and fertility
When trying to become pregnant, it’s important that hopeful mothers stay as healthy as possible. It’s especially crucial to be vigilant about health during flu season and the COVID pandemic. Simplifying this pursuit is the fact that many of the safety protocols for COVID will also help protect you during flu season.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds. An essential component of staying healthy is washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This habit can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs. If soap and water aren’t available, use a hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol.
Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. When you can’t wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, avoid touching your face. You especially want to steer clear of your eyes, nose and mouth, as these are areas where germs can enter your body.
Practice social distancing. Staying at least six feet away from others can help you prevent coming into contact with the respiratory droplets that could make you sick. It’s been found that this practice can significantly slow the spread of COVID.
Wear a mask. Another effective act when considering the flu, COVID and fertility is wearing a mask whenever you’re indoors with anyone who isn’t part of your household or in an outdoor environment where you can’t socially distance.
The specialists at our Tennessee fertility clinic find that following these simple tips can go a long way in preserving your health.
How to prevent the flu
In addition to the tips above, a great way to avoid getting sick during flu season is receiving the flu vaccine. Not only does the vaccine reduce your risk of contracting the flu and requiring hospitalization, but it also saves healthcare resources for those with COVID. Your healthcare provider can help you determine where to get this vaccine.
Our final tip is to alert your doctor if you develop any symptoms. They can then help you determine the best course of action and ensure you receive the necessary care.
The team at our Tennessee fertility clinic is here to support you as you take steps to preserve and enhance your health and fertility.
Contact us for more information about the flu, COVID and fertility.