Earlier this week, Nashville Fertility Center, watched with the world as Brittan Gilmore, a 16-year old girl born to Janet Schreibman and Jim Gilmore through egg donation, had the opportunity to connect with her mother’s egg donor.
From an early age, Brittan was curious about her unique conception and genetic roots. She periodically checked the Donor Sibling Registry and in January 2014, Brittan saw an egg donor profile listed under Nashville Fertility Center that she thought might be from her mother’s egg donor. She quickly sourced the profile moniker on Pinterest, linked it to Facebook and messaged her. Meanwhile, Janet conducted research of her own, including contacting The Nashville Fertility Center to find out what her donor number was.
Nashville Fertility Center protects the anonymity of all donors and could not directly connect Brittan with her mother’s egg donor. However, in this case, the egg donor chose to register her information through the Donor Sibling Registry and after Janet asked NFC for her donor number, she was able to confirm that it was a match. Once Janet knew it was a match, the families were able to connect and plan a face-to-face meeting, which was filmed for Katie Couric’s national talk show, “Katie.” The episode aired on June 11, 2014.
As a fertility center that is driven by results, but defined by compassion, we are proud to see and experience this beautiful story. Our staff eagerly watched the Katie show together (picture of employees). We’re happy to have played an early role in this great story. Congratulations to all involved!