Make a difference on Infertility Advocacy Day 2017
There’s one special day every year – RESOLVE Advocacy Day – when people experiencing infertility travel from across America to our nation’s capitol, aiming to raise awareness of the struggles they face in building their families. Throughout the halls of Congress, their voices ring out loud and clear, as they share their first-hand experiences with the legislators who make life-changing decisions about infertility care.
Sponsored by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, Advocacy Day is an annual event that brings the infertility community together to educate members of Congress about the issues and legislation that matter most to them. Our Tennessee fertility specialists are always proud when men and women in our care choose to participate in this special day, influencing positive change at the national level for themselves and so many others.
Advocacy Day: who, what, when and where
This year, Advocacy Day will take place May 18, 2017. Participants arrive in D.C. and begin networking the day before, then rise early the next day to attend training that equips them with all the information they need to make a big impact. RESOLVE even schedules appointments with members of Congress, so all that participants need to do is show up and show they care.
Advocacy Day is for people who:
- Want to help their elected officials understand the disease of infertility and its impact on families
- Are going through infertility and want to take back some control
- Want to support a loved one struggling with infertility
- Hope to raise public understanding about infertility
Advocacy Day participants get the chance to establish relationships with influential lawmakers who develop and vote on infertility-related legislation. Each participant is surrounded by people who have traveled through infertility, and many lifelong friendships are built on shared experiences and values.
Use your voice to raise awareness
Attending Advocacy Day is a great way to empower yourself in your fight against infertility. By standing up for your rights to accessible fertility treatment, you’re making a difference not only in your own life, but in the lives of men and women diagnosed with infertility who will follow in your footsteps.
To learn more about infertility treatment options available under current law, contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our Tennessee fertility specialists.